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What to Pack for the Redwood National Park

Home » What to Pack for the Redwood National Park


Redwood National Park is located in the North of California. You will find a dense forest full of giant trees, unique spices of plants, and wild animals on its territory. The park offers all-year-round activities that include walking and hiking on hundreds of trails, wildlife watching, etc. As long as the climate there is mild, walking and hiking are very popular here during all seasons. The good news is that Redwood National Park is free to visit. No need to pay any fee for it. However, the park has a camping fee, it costs $35, and camping requires previous reservations. 

Hi there! My name is Eddie, and I am passionate about hiking. Being a 30-years-old, I have been traveling to different national parks and reserves in the US. Beyond amazing sceneries and unforgettable adventures, hiking on the parks’ trails requires packing considering the peculiarities of the landscape and the current season. I will provide you with my tips for the Redwood backpacking list based on my experience.

Packing List for Redwood National Park in the Spring and Summer Seasons

Redwood National Park

In summer and late spring, temperatures in Redwoods hover from 61.9 F in May to 67.3 F in August. However, it can drop down to 45.3 F in May and to 50.9 F in August. At that time, the forest may remain moist and foggy in the morning.

What to Wear to Redwood

I chose to wear long sleeves to protect my arms from the branches of the trees and insects. For the lower body, I wore tracking trousers that protected my legs as well. I think a rainproof jacket should also be on your list. Remember that you will need to check the forecast. But even if it says that the weather is sunny, the rain can start unexpectedly there. You will also need to take a hat or some other headwear to protect your head. Sunglasses are to take with you as well.

During hiking, feet are affected by long-term load force. To reduce the stress and protect your feet from traumas, you need to choose the right boots for hiking. The Redwood’s trails pass through forests and canyons. In summer, you should have light, but sturdy hiking boots. The soles of the boots must be non-slipping since the forest is commonly moist and the trail can be slippery in some parts. I think that wearing sneakers is not the best idea for hiking in Redwoods. Sneakers are good for walking on in-town roads, while forest trails can be tricky. The surface of the trail can be rough and slick, so you need hiking boots that are perfect for such peculiarity.

Tracking boots became my own choice for one-day hiking in Redwoods. I prefer wearing tracking boots for several reasons: they are light fit the foot shape (I wore a summer version); you feel confident while hiking because your foot is fixed and the soles are clingy. There is a wide range of tracking boots to buy. I would recommend you to ask the assistant to help you with choosing boots for hiking in the forest.

What to Bring to the Redwood

Redwood National Park

Redwood Park offers visitors to different destinations. It is all up to the time you have. You may choose a one-hour trail or one-day hiking in Redwood Park. In any case, you need to pack yourself right. The mild climate and giant trees make this place exciting for hikers. You do not need to battle with high temperatures, but having a sufficient amount of water is essential. Take up to three bottles per person for a day, and no less than 1,5 liter per person for the one-hour trail. You need to keep up with your water balance during physical exercises such as walking. You can buy water in the Visitor Center of the park or take it with you in a special multi-use water bottle. I prefer the last one for being nature-friendly. I have a bottle carries to have quick access to my water bottle without putting it into the pack and back.

In Redwoods, where you can find trails of various lengths, you commonly do not wany your pack heavy. Usually, you hike for several hours or a day, that demands a lightweight pack. You will need to take snacks, water, navigation tools, such as a compass or a navigator. If you do not plan camping, not so many things you need. Don’t forget to take ziplocs not only for your food but also for the waste you can produce. Hiking sticks are required, just in case you are not aware of your long-walking. Keep in mind that the sticks should suit the ground you walk on.

First Aid Kit for Redwood for Hiking in Spring and Summer

I take some antiseptic in case of scratching, bandage, some of the non-drowsy allergy medicine, an antibiotic against diarrhea, pills against headache, eye drops, electrolyte pills, a bug spray, and corn plasters. I would advise you to put some corn plasters on your feet before hiking to prevent corns. Put on socks before all-day walking, skipping this simple rule will lead to painful calluses. In spring, the plants start blooming. You need to consider that fact if you suffer from seasonal allergy.

Packing List for Redwood National Park in the Winter Season

Redwood National Park

A mild winter season allows people to visit Redwoods all year round. However, suitable clothing is the first thing you need to think about before going to the park. I chose winter tracking boots made of leather. The sole of the boots needs to be non-slip, and the boots must be waterproof. The feet must be protected from low temperatures, as well as the body. While choosing your boots,  think about warm socks and make sure to choose the proper size. I prefer wool hiking socks for winter outdoor activities.

The average temperature in December starts from 40.1 F and can rise to 54.7 F. It is not so low, so the temperature creates comfortable conditions for hiking. I wore thermal underwear (best women’s hiking thermal), winter tracking trousers, a sweater, and a winter tracking jacket for hiking in the winter season. Thermal underwear helps to keep the natural degree of your body, so you never freeze. The clothes should be waterproof. The jacket is better to be with a hood; thus, you can put it on when the wind is blowing. Wearing a winter hat is a necessity. I wore hiking winter cap and warm waterproof gloves. Always wear gloves during hiking. You should protect your hand from low temperatures outside.

While there are low temperatures outside, I always take a bottle with hot tea inside. I prefer bottles that can keep the temperature of the liquid. They guarantee that my tea will stay hot all day long, which is very helpful when you do not have time to light a fire and make a kettle of hot tea. I keep my tea in a special carrier.

For one day hiking, you may take a lightweight, but it should necessarily be a waterproof backpack. You will need to have some navigation tools, such as a compass or a navigator. While hiking, I always take ziplock bags not only for my food but also for all the trash that I may produce during hiking. You should carry the waste with you and avoid throwing it on the territory of the park.

You should think about trail poles for your comfortable hiking in winter.

First Aid Kit for Redwood for Winter Hiking

I put the same set that I usually have during summer and spring hikes, such as some antiseptic, an antibiotic against diarrhea, pills against headache, eye drops, electrolyte pills, a bandage, some of the non-drowsy allergy medicine, a bug spray, and corn plasters. In addition to it, I would advise taking ibuprofen and antihistamine pills.

Packing List for Redwood, Summary: My Tips for Hikers

To get the most from your day in Redwood, you need to be picky about the gear you take with you. The equipment should be based on your own needs. If you have some chronic disease, you will need to consult the doctor first. Your safety and health are in your hands. Anyway, even physical disability is not a barrier to visiting Redwood National Park. The park offers trails that are adapted for disabled people. You just need to choose the right tail. Redwood is worth visiting; take your friends, family, or your partner and go ahead! Are you going to Redwoods National Park? What would you bring to Redwood? Which tip do you find the most helpful for you? Share your opinion in the comments below.

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