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Why Wool Socks For Hiking: Main benefits and useful properties

Home » Why Wool Socks For Hiking: Main benefits and useful properties


If you are looking for a new way to stay fit and have fun with it as well, then hiking may be the right choice for you. Hiking is a popular activity among people of all ages. According to the United States Census Bureau, over 26 million people in the country declared that they were hikers in 2018. The trend doesn’t appear to be slowing down as 2019 began with over 28 million people declaring they were hikers. This is a massive trend that appears to be inspired by the appeal of the great outdoors as well as the culture of conservation that has taken over the country in recent years. If you are considering hiking as a sport, hobby, or as a way of life, there are a few things that you need to know.

The Benefits Of Wearing Wool Socks

Wool socks give you the best of both worlds because they provide insulation as well as warm feet. When you are hiking in the winter, you need all the insulation you can get. In the summer, you need warm toes for the sake of avoiding plantar warts (aka: foot fungus). When you combine these two things, you get the best — warm feet and warm toes. This is why wool socks are such a great choice for hiking enthusiasts. When you are done hiking, you can simply throw the socks away or wash them off before you leave the place.

Wool Socks with shoes

The Downsides Of Wearing Wool Socks

Like with most clothing articles, there are both advantages and disadvantages to wearing wool socks. The primary disadvantage is that if you happen to get wet or muddy, the wool will make you feel cold. This is because the wool does not allow the body’s natural heat to easily escape. The best way to avoid this is to stay clean and dry as much as possible while you are hiking.

As for the advantage of wool socks, many people find that they create a better environment for their skin. When you are hiking in the winter, you are mostly relying on your hands for warmth. However, your hands are not the best at keeping you warm. Your feet are better at generating heat which is why, when you are hiking in the winter, you need to make sure that your feet are well-covered.

How Long Does It Take To Get Used To Feeling Cold?

Just like with many new apparel items, you will need to try on wool socks at least a few times before you get used to feeling cold. After a while, you will get used to it and find that you enjoy wearing them even when temperatures are above freezing. However, if you start feeling cold even when your hands are warm, it could be time for an upgrade!

Wool Socks near Fire

What Does Wearing Wool Socks Mean For Your Health?

Wool socks have been around for centuries and have been popularized in the 1800s thanks to their initial use by mountain climbers. During that time, scientists have determined that wool socks are an effective way to keep your feet warm and snugly and have also noted that the fabric prevents your feet from drying out. While initially designed for climbing Mount Everest, today’s wool socks are much more effective at keeping your feet warm and dry than the ones used by the great explorers of the 1800s. Moreover, modern day wool socks have better insulation properties than their counterparts from earlier times which makes them ideal for use in cold weather and high altitude environments.

You should wear wool socks in all types of weather regardless of what type of shoes you have on as they will keep your feet insulated and warm for the most part. Some people prefer to go barefoot when they are hiking because they think that it is more nature-based but you should not do this if you are dealing with wet or muddy grounds. When you are on dry land, however, you can get away with going barefoot as long as you keep your feet clean and dry.

Wool socks - image 3

Is It Possible To Over-Warm Your Feet?

Although your general rule of thumb should be to keep your feet at the temperature of your core, this is not always the case. You may find that your feet become overly warm causing you to feel cramp in your toes. This could be especially dangerous if you are hiking in the highlands of Nepal where the nights are cold and damp. In this case, you may need to lower your body heat by taking off some of your clothes or moving around a lot to keep your feet from getting too warm.

What about hygiene issues?

Wool socks are a low-maintenance accessory that can be worn for hours. But for a long life of socks, it is important to follow the rules of washing wool socks, so they will please you with their warmth as long as possible.

Thanks to wool socks and other clothing items, we are able to enjoy an active lifestyle while staying warm and comfortable. Not only do they give us physical benefits but they also keep us connected to our heritage as we rekindle our love for adventure and exploration.


Why are wool socks better?

Wool socks are better than other types of socks because wool is a natural fiber that can absorb up to 30% of its weight in water. This helps feet remain dry in most conditions. Wool socks are also comfortable in both cool and warm conditions, and they can absorb and wick away moisture. Additionally, wool socks provide cushioning and don’t itch like ragg wool socks. However, wool socks do dry a bit slower than synthetic socks and they are more expensive.

Are wool socks good for summer hiking?

Wool socks are a great choice for summer hikes because they are breathable, wick away moisture, and keep your feet at an even temperature. They are also naturally antimicrobial, so they won’t get smelly after a long day of hiking.

How often do you need to wash wool socks?

It depends on how often you wear them, the type of activity, the climate, and your own comfort level in re-wearing your clothes. It is also important to consider the level of physical exertion on the hike and the physical characteristics of your body. I have found that washing them after 1-2 full days of wear is sufficient for comfort.

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